Archives quotidiennes : janvier 6, 2009

Le quartier Londonien de la semaine

Chalk Farm is an area of the Borough of Camden in north London, England. It lies directly to the north of Camden Town and its underground station is the closest tube station to the nearby, upmarket neighbourhood of Primrose Hill.

Its name, deceptively rural, derives from the Anglo Saxon Old English language for ‘cold cottages’. These days it absorbs the spread from Camden Town and has many lively pubs, live music venues, and restaurants. Within London it is best known as the site of The Roundhouse, a former circular railway engine shed which was subsequently converted for arts and performance use.

Chalk Farm contains Haverstock School Business & Enterprise College (formerly Haverstock Comprehensive School).

It is also the site of the Camden College of English.

For over 70 years some of Central London’s busiest bus routes were operated from Chalk Farm Bus garage, which was located in Harmood Street